Coriander Seeds

Coriander seed is a spice in garam masala and Indian curries which often employ the ground fruits in generous amounts together with cumin, acting as a thickener in a mixture called dhana jeera. Roasted coriander seeds, called dhana dal, are eaten as a snack. Coriander is the dried seed or fruit of the Coriandrum sativum plant, which belongs to the parsley family. Cilantro is the leaf of this same plant and surprisingly, its flavor is vastly different from that of coriander. Cilantro has a complex but delicate flavor with a hint of pepper, mint and lemon. Coriander has a sweet, aromatic taste with a touch of citrus. Coriander seeds are native to Southern Europe and the Mediterranean region. As with all seeds, toasting them will bring out more of the aromatic flavor. If your recipe calls for cracked or crushed coriander, buy whole coriander and crack or crush it yourself (either spin it quickly in a blender or hammer slightly in a sealable bag). This will produce the best, freshest taste.

As a spice, the lemony and floral flavor of coriander finds its way into the many Asian, Latin, and Indian dishes, as well as European cuisine. While the leaves of the coriander plant are an herb known as cilantro or Chinese parsley, the round seeds are used to make coriander spice. This spice is found in the Indian spice mixture garam masala, which is used in many savory dishes.

What Is Coriander?

Coriander is a spice produced from the round, tan-colored seeds of the coriander plant (
Coriandrum sativum), which is a member of the parsley family. The word coriander can be used to describe the entire plant: leaves, stems, seeds, and all. But when speaking of coriander, most people are referring to the spice produced from the seeds of the plant. The leaves of the plant are commonly called cilantro, which comes from the Spanish word for coriander, or Chinese parsley. Coriander roots also appear in culinary use as a pungent addition to Thai curries. Coriander grows as a native plant around the world, including Europe, Asia, Africa and in the Americas. 


Little is known about the origins of the coriander plant, although it is generally thought to be native to the Mediterranean and parts of southwestern Europe. Experts believe its use dates back to at least 5,000 B.C. References to coriander can be found in Sanskrit writings, and the seeds were placed in Egyptian tombs. Coriander even rates a mention in the Old Testament, in which the manna provided to the Jews fleeing Egypt was described as being like coriander seed. Coriander was one of the first herbs grown by the American colonists of Massachusetts. And seventeenth-century Frenchmen used distilled coriander to make a type of liquor. Today, cilantro is cultivated in tropical and subtropical countries throughout the world, and the herb is used worldwide.

What Does It Taste Like?

Coriander seeds have a pleasing lemony flavor and floral aroma. The flavor goes very well with cumin and many recipes include equal amounts of the two spices. The plant's leaves and the ripened seeds taste completely different and they cannot be substituted for each other. Fresh cilantro tastes pungent, and to a certain percentage of the population, it tastes soapy.